Thursday, June 28, 2012


Summer projects are now starting to take shape.  I used reclaimed wood and a few screws to put together a small bench for the potted flowers.  I think I would have preferred a funky colored stain, but it turned out pretty nice.  Steps include: Measure, Cut, Sand, Stain, Assemble.  There are a few other projects that should be finished up as the week progresses.  Stay tuned.

The Ponytail Palm is happy

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Backyard Remodel

I have been working on my landscaping skills since spring break.  The before shot is from when we moved in and the after shot is from a week into summer break.  I removed the tree in the corner (by hand/ with Alea's help).  Dug up the grass added weed block and over a foot of rock (no plants will touch my house).  It turned out to be a great place to keep the Kayak.  The Gumbo Limbo was place there, however he doesn't seem to be thriving.  We are considering a move up towards the front planter bed where he can get more shade.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Smart Asses

Gerard and Erin popped down for the weekend.  Too bad it rained the whole time.  Had a fun game night.  Highly recommend Smart ass, Bezzerwizzer and Wits and Wagers.  I'm not sure who the lady with the pillow is?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Butler Bakery

I put together some tasty baguettes.  They turned out pretty good for my second round.  I highly recommend the stone and pizza peel.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hiking anybody?

Tried to go hiking, due to heavy rains, MOSQUITOES were bad!  Had to bail after several minutes.  They like to bite through your shirt!  So we camped out indoors.

This didn't last very long.

Keats and Magpie hard at work reviewing "Game of Thrones"

Friday, June 22, 2012

Prometheus Review: for TOM

Awesome, go see it!  Don't expect a traditional Alien horror movie, it is similar however not the same.
Magpie and Logan

Thursday, June 21, 2012

House Pictures

This is a special request from Lorraine and Grandpa.  I have been doing quite a bit of landscaping and will have some before and after pics of the outside up soon.

Living Room


Dining Room

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Slow News Week

We returned from our cross Florida trip and made it home in one piece.  Barbequed at the Parrs over the weekend and had plenty of sit down time.  This week will be our "Project week".  We plan to hang around  beach side and work on different projects: arts, crafts, wood, yard, etc.  Made one last trip into town for supplies.  Not much going on, so I leave you with some Angel Trumpets that bloomed a couple of weeks ago.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Back to the Beach

Had some authentic Cuban's at Molinas Ranch before heading out.  I will never drive in Miami again!  Pulled over at Al's Family Farms on the way home, best OJ around.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Not so South Beach

Met up with Nick after court and explored the city.  Lots of odd people with small dogs about.  We were able to watch the Heat win thier first finals game in the hometown. 

Nick called to have the boat juiced up!
Two bros at a fountain

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Welcome to Miami

I'm never driving in Miami again.   Got screwed by groupon at POC sushi buffet. 

The Reveal

The results are in.  We have some possible orbs and a few manufactured spirits. 

You be the judge.

200 pictures and only 2 of them have orbs.  Coincidence, perhaps.

Haven't seen this guy in so long he might as well be a ghost.
Shadow people, probably lovers from long ago.
Troy, Cindy and Parr are being followed by shadow people.

Alea has some orb action overhead.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ghost Encounters

Warmed up at a pirate infested Squid Lips then went on a ghastly tour.  Troy rang out the dead and we braved the vortex. 

There are more ghostly pictures to follow, I have a lot to go through. 

The Truth Is Out There!

Squid Lips

Bring out your Dead
Votex Buddies
Very Vortexy

Bounce House-party!

It was hot, dirty and nasty, but that didn't stop anyone.  After Tom sent the neighbor boy to the emergency room we decided to clear the kids out.  Flipping, dunking and surfing ensued!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I just wanted everyone to know that I removed the authentication for comments.  It should be an easier process, don't be afraid to leave them.  Also on the right tab box you can add yourself as a believer, April I'm looking at you.  I have also added a subscription option for those of you that would prefer your daily dose through another program.

Not My Problem

This one is for Nick and Steve.

Baptisms and Birthdays

Baby Mason's soul has been saved and little Ruby Tuesday is in mas!  There were more people, animals and kids than Mom's house could safely handle.  This time Tom drew first blood.  Bounce house pics soon to follow.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Happy Birth Day Magpie!!!

Yesterday was Maggie's first birthday.  Well, possibly second because she was a about a year when we found her.  She had a doughnut with Blue and Oreo, on the counter.  That was not my idea.  Steve and Mason came into town bringing the total of inhabitants at Mom's house to 10 people and 3 dogs.  Later on we all cruised on down to Clearwater where we ran into a crazed maniac who had broken into a home.

He's just pretending to be tired

Who would give this man a machete?

Saturday, June 9, 2012


We were woken up by the Ruby Roller coaster this morning.  Headed out for a little jog at the Starkey Park and they now CHARGE $2!  What?  There is a sign next to the pay here sign that states "there is no longer water on the trail".  There is small print under the "pay $2" sign that states the fee is to provided a safe secure park.  This I find cute as locals are telling me of a dead body being found on the trail.  So I am now paying $2 for the chance to be dehydrated and maybe poke a dead body.  Well worth the money.

And now for something completely differen;

Friday, June 8, 2012

Death by Kayak

We all took the kayaks outh this morning.  Beth couldn't quite make it out, April almost died, and the Ruby left without us.  Saw a few turtles.  Pictured above is tom hunting down a turtle.  We have survived the Ruby weekend, now off to birthday town.