Wednesday, September 26, 2012

1yr Cable-Free

In October we will have set a decent milestone, 1 year without cable.  We have been satisfying our entertainment needs with the likes of Hulu, Netflix and the occasional jaunt to the Red Box.  As part of my retirement rant series this accomplishment would fall into the Pillar II category.

Here is how the math works out:

400 + channels of garbage for $80 or more a month


Only the shows I want to watch for $17 a month (Hulu = 7 and Netflix = 10)

This is a no brainer.  I carefully urge you to take another look at your cable bill search for alternatives.  I personally realized that all of my cable tv watching took place via recorded playback.  I didn't watch anything live.  Hulu and Netflix are essentially a large online DVR with all of my shows pre-recorded.

I must also disclose that Hulu and Netflix do a pile of advertising on this site.  This posting is not an ad, however I do greatly support their products.  Click on them and check em out if you like.

1 comment:

April Maye said...

We will be at 1 year in December!!! We did cancel our DVD rental with netflix and that saved us an extra $10 a month!!!
Now if only we can teach this dog to hunt.