Monday, September 3, 2012

Tally Me Banana / Financial Freedom

For new years we decided to set up aspirations rather than resolutions.  My new years aspiration was to make $365 worth of passive income this year.  The goal roughly breaks down to $1 a day.  I figured one dollar a day this year could compound to 2 a day next year and so on.  It was an official start to the Financial Freedom/Independence goal. 

The year started out pretty strong but tailed off at the beginning of summer.  There was a brief period of discouragement when it did not look as if the goal would sustain itself.  Stocks began to perform, Ebay picked up and the blogs helped a bit too.  Before I knew it the gap was closing.  Here we are only 8 months into the year and I have broken the $365 mark.  I am also realizing some passive income sources that had not been counted.

By the Numbers

$145  - Ebay
$31    - Blogs
$9      - CD's (Long-term goal 1 CD for each month)
$181  - Stocks (dividends and Sell-offs)

$75     -  Credit Card Reward checks

As you can see Ebay and Stocks are the biggest money makers.  There are still dividend and CD checks to be collected before the end of the year.  I will be adding a 6th CD this week.

I have to thank all of you who have supported my blogging venture, please keep reading!

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